8,9 von 10 Sternen basierend auf 802 Kundenbewertungen
Titel | Meet·Me·in·Venice |
Laufzeit | 2h 49 min |
Format | MPG ⋆1440p ⋆HDTS |
Sprachen | Deutsche - Englisch |
Dateigröße | 866 MB |
Dateiname | Meet-Me-in-Venice-mpeg-1.mp4 |

von Klett - English Readers- Die INFOPLATTFORM
Abiturpflichttexte Englisch Abitur, Abiturthemen Englisch - Lektüren Sekundarstufe 1/Oberstufe und Landesabitur
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Good Morning,I'm Anna Scala. I'm a scout of AGESCI (FIS) Quarto d'altino 1, (near Venice -Italy). Me and my patrol (tigers) are doing an international activity to discovery the other country scout tradition.My patrol and I Would like to meet your group, to know your tradition, We also would like to let you know and play games and activities we ...
Good Morning,I'm Anna Scala. I'm a scout of AGESCI (FIS) Quarto d'altino 1, (near Venice -Italy). Me and my patrol (tigers) are doing an international activity to discovery the other country scout tradition.My patrol and I Would like to meet your group, to know your tradition, We also would like to let you know and play games and activities we ...
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